Worship with us in person or online this Sunday

8am Service of Holy Eucharist: Rite I- Spoken service

9am Formation Classes for Adults and Children

10am Service of Holy Eucharist: Rite II- With hymns and contemporary music. This service offers Children’s Chapel for children kindergarten through fifth grade and nursery care for infant through Pre-K. Livestream available here.

We hope you can join us for one of our services soon!


Are children welcome?

Yes! We chose our name because St. Margaret of Scotland was fiercely devoted to protecting the vulnerable, especially children. We therefore have always been committed to welcoming children and families into our worship. Children are welcome to attend any of our services, and our 10:00 a.m. service features Children’s Chapel for children ages three through fifth grade. The curriculum for our children in kindergarten through fifth grade is rooted in Godly Play, which is an imaginative way of immersing children into the great story of God. Following Children’s Chapel, the children return to their families for communion.

What should I wear?

People are dressed in a variety of ways at St. Margaret’s, from very casual to a suit. The most important thing is to arrive ready to enter the presence of God.

What if I’m not used to the liturgy?

Welcome! There is no right way to worship God. While Anglican liturgy invites people to worship God in body, mind, and spirit, you will find that people do different things during a service at St. Margaret’s. If you have any questions about a service, please feel free to ask someone or you can always reach out to us below.