Worship Ministries
There are many opportunities to serve on a Sunday at St. Margaret’s. See below for ways to get involved and reach out to us if you would like more information. We will connect you with a member of that team via email or personal introduction at church.
Acolytes—Acolytes help to carry processional crosses, torches, and assist in worship. Children grades 4-12 as well as adults may serve as acolytes.
Altar Guild—The Altar Guild maintains the linens, books, and vessels necessary for worship, providing an invaluable service to the church.
Youth & Children's Ministry
Godly Play Team: This team teaches children using the Godly Play curriculum during our 10:00 service.
Youth and Elementary Formation: We need volunteers to teach Sunday School classes to our curious school-aged students when Adult Forum meets at 9:00 on Sundays during the fall and spring.
Nursery: Do you love caring for the tiniest members of our congregation? Join us in the nursery! You won’t even have to change diapers!
Greeters / Ushers—These outgoing and energetic volunteers extend a spirit of hospitality to everyone who enters the doors of St. Margaret’s. Greeters are also responsible for counting offering money.
Eucharistic Ministers—Eucharistic ministers administer the chalice (the cup) during communion.
Music at St. Margaret’s—Our music program offers vibrant worship to the glory of God. If you sing or play an instrument, this might be the team for you!
Prayer Teams
Text Network—This team uses a text group to quickly respond to prayer requests from the office or team.
365— This team prays the Prayers of the People 365 days a year; with the names of members needing health and strength that is done on Sundays.
Nepal— This team prays with and for Karin Feltman, a missionary we help sponsor in Nepal.